Los Jaboncillos Ranch History

In 1820, the Mexican revolution ended Spanish control over the region and in 1824, the Mexican government make provision for additional land grants not covered previously. The name "Jaboncillos", given to the 5 league land grant, was derived from the eastern soapberry trees first observed by Spanish explorers along what was later named "Los Jaboncillos" creek. The Ramirez brothers, of the jurisdiction of Camargo, Mexico proved up land grant claims fought through courts in Spain and later in Mexico. In December 1835, the "Los Jaboncillos" grant was conveyed from the Governor of Tamaulipas to Antonio Ramirez.

The Seeligson family had been acquiring land in the "Wild Horse Dessert" of the Nueces Strip that they called "Galveston Ranch". Other large grants in the area had been acquired by ranching pioneers such as Captain Richard King, Mifflin Kennedy, Ed Lassater and Dillard Fant. At the time, this unfenced region was both buffer and battlefield, where trails were travelled by Civil War Cavalry Soldiers and later by Texas Rangers attempting to restore law and order.

The Jaboncillos Grant adjoining the Galveston Ranch to the north. In 1895, John and Florence "Seeligson" Houghton were able to acquire the prized land grant from the Ramirez heirs and operated the grant as a working ranch. Mrs. Houghton, the daughter of Sgt. Henry Seeligson and wife of John Houghton bequeathed the ranch to her nephew, Arthur W. Seeligson who later divided the ranch between his three children Arthur, Lamar, and Lucy. The original headquarters, held by Lucy "Seeligson" Roe became well known as the breeding site of top registered Santa Gertrudis Cattle and Quarter Horses. Irrigation was developed to increase productivity, and the ranch was developed as a White Tail Deer and quail hunting paradise. Over time, the success the ranch enjoyed allowed the brand and "Los Jaboncillos Ranch"  to become well known internationally.

Today the ranch continues to market high quality replacement cattle and Quarter Horses. Commercial females crossed to purebred bulls are sold "private treaty" seasonally on the ranch. The broodmare band produces foals from the highest performing sires in the industry such as DUAL REY, SMOOTH AS A CAT, METALLIC CATT, and WR THIS CATS SMART to name a few. Hunting of native species of wildlife is currently closely held but the ranch offers hunting of trophy class Black Buck through commercial hunting packages.



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    • Victoria Roxanne Lang
  • Quisque varius dapibus purus sit amet molestie. Donec nec lectus nisl. Nunc venenatis ante sed nulla ullamcorper lobortis. Nullam id rutrum neque. Nunc in tincidunt enim, eget hendrerit orci. Nullam non nisi scelerisque, pulvinar nulla ac, rhoncus dolor. Sed leo neque, finibus sit amet faucibus at, efficitur sed elit. Ut sit amet lectus elementum, aliquet arcu ac, pulvinar justo. Nam dictum purus nec ex lacinia efficitur. Praesent id elit a nibh gravida egestas a vestibulum ipsum. Etiam semper orci et lectus eleifend feugiat.

    • Sherry Linane
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus porttitor imperdiet purus, a congue neque vestibulum vel. Sed quis cursus eros. Vivamus rutrum tellus nibh, et facilisis odio pretium ac. Ut fringilla sem odio, sed placerat risus malesuada ac. Nulla facilisi. Nulla blandit diam ut massa dapibus volutpat. Aliquam vitae massa vitae lacus venenatis tincidunt et convallis eros. Fusce ligula quam, rhoncus eget lorem at, gravida ultrices tellus. Proin feugiat massa arcu, vel convallis nunc gravida nec.

    • Dawn Champion
  • In non elit dictum, sollicitudin justo vel, elementum leo. Nulla facilisi. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec quis bibendum enim, ut aliquam urna. Vestibulum eget tellus quis elit pharetra tristique sit amet eget tellus. Mauris cursus eleifend gravida. Praesent et gravida erat.

    • Tami Marchini

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Los Jaboncillos Ranch
11987 US-281
Premont, TX 78375
(361) 348-3333

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